Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wedding Vows

Easy to Keep Wedding Vows - Claim Your Dream For a Shared Future at Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony

You're getting married because you want to spend the rest of your life together. Creating a marriage isn't only about figuring out what resources you have. You want to capture those visions in both your wedding vows and your wedding ceremony. You want your community to hear what you're dreaming so they can understand and support you.

Those things could be big things like creating a foundation to fight any one of the world's injustices or bold things like building the foundation to your house. Or they could just be the little things that so many couples dream about: a life that is calm, walks in the park, bills that get paid and family that gets invited over to holiday dinners. All of those things are wonderfully worthwhile.

So what do the two of you dream when you're alone in bed and thinking of your future? Or when you're taking those long hand-in-hand walks? How many children? Where would you like to live? What kind of play will restore your souls and bodies?

Those dreams for a shared future are what make marriages happen. Fulfilling dreams and dreaming up new ones will keep you engaged and happy in your marriage.

Your wedding vows should build toward those dreams. Tell the world what you're dreaming about and how you're going to use your values and beliefs and skills to get there.

Easy to Keep Wedding Vows - Keeping the Promises You Make at Your Perfect Wedding Ceremony

If your wedding vows take who each of you are alone and together into consideration, if they are based on your values, your beliefs, your talents and your dreams, then there is only one thing that you need to make your marriage last forever:

Your dedication to keeping the promises that bind your lives together. Your wedding vows are a whole, they must be kept as a whole. The minute you start saying, well, this clause doesn't really matter, the vows start to crumble. What you promised one another in your wedding ceremony, what your community witnessed, they are the wedding vows you must keep.

That's why it's so important that you spend such careful time and attention crafting these vows. That's why you want to spend time in your wedding ceremony talking about community support and emphasizing the importance of your friends and families' presence as you make those vows to one another. You want support on your wedding day and for the rest of your life.

Guaranteed. But your integrity lies in those vows. Treat your partner as precious and wonderful. Treat yourself as smart and lucky to have made the decision to join your life with your beloved's. It's not healthy not to keep your promises and tell the truth. Did you know that an MRI can tell from brain activity when you're lying? You are entering into the most amazing marriage. You created a wedding ceremony to help your friends understand why it was so special and to invite them to support you and your promises. You crafted wedding vows that will bring you your most heartfelt dreams. Now it's up to you to joyfully keep those promises and live happily and healthily into love and marriage.

Use Your Wedding Vows to Solicit and Build Community Support For Your Perfect Marriage

One of the principal reasons for public wedding ceremonies is to build community support for your marriage.

  • Marriages do better when rooted in community.
  • Equally important, communities do better when they have stable marriages.

Culture and tradition grow at the point where marriage and community meet. Your Wedding Vows are one way to engage your community. You can also envision your marriage firmly within your community as part of your vows. People long to be connected and they enjoy celebrating those connections. Keeping your wedding vows within the arms of your community is what's going to make your marriage thrive.

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