Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Plan Your Wedding Quickly

Plan Your Wedding Quickly - What Will You Wear to Your Perfect, Hurry-Up Wedding?

If you decide to get married on a very short timeline, you can still have a wonderful wedding. One of the things that often demands a longer lead time is traditional wedding clothing. What are you going to wear to your perfect, hurry-up, right now wedding? Wear that.

If you're going to buy something, buy something

  • That you can afford.
  • That won't be difficult for your attendants to match.
  • That will serve you in your life beyond the wedding.
  • That is comfortable to wear.
  • In which you look fabulous.

That way you can manage your wedding and keep enhancing your life.

Wonderful dark blazer? Wear that. Wedding dresses have to be ordered and fitted and made perfect. But your perfect wedding dress may be hiding out there for you to find in a hurry. On the remainder rack at a bridal store. In the better dresses/formal dresses area of your favorite department store.

Somewhere there's a wonderful dress waiting to make you beautiful. It may be a wedding dress, it may be just a great dress. Is that the wedding look you're wanting? Speaking of focus, if you've focused on your wedding ceremony and your wedding vows and packed them full of meaning, people are going to be pretty busy watching you. Because short-timeline or long- for the wedding, you're going to be living together forever. The clothing, it's great and you'll look great (while you take those great wedding vows!)

Plan Your Perfectly Priced Wedding - Build Community at Your Perfect Wedding

People thrive when they belong to a community. In many religious traditions, miracles are understood to be those things that restore a person, previously denied community for some reason, to their community. One of the most important things that weddings do is build community among the people wedding guests.

  • You want your guests to get to know one another. They have heard about each other since the two of you met. This is their chance to put face to story
  • You want them to make connections. This will be one of the few times that you get everyone together. You want to make people curious about one another. Ideally, you want to create a group that pushes you to gather everyone together.
  • You want them to enjoy the family. Since we no longer live next door and we can't always make the family reunions, weddings are a great opportunity for everyone in the family to see one another and to catch up on what's happened since the last occasion.
  • You want them to enjoy one another. You want to have fun things to do at the party that keep people playing together and looking for ways to engage their neighbors. Play games, pit one table or family against another, get people involved and talking.

It will also enrich the community. In turn, that creates a richer life for you!

  • What will you spend? If you're paying attention, you'll be lowering costs because you're not spending on the extras, you're spending on the essentials.
  • What will you invest You're going to want to spend time with all your guests. You may find a reception line is a great idea.
  • What skills do you need? Friendliness, openness about your dreams for the future, excitement about your community's presence, excitement about who your community is, and some knowledge of how to help people mingle.
  • What will you get? A group of people that enjoy themselves and one another. A group who wishes to support your marriage and get together for another outing.
  • What's that worth? More support and celebration than you can handle.
  • What happens then? Your community becomes aware of itself as a community.

Do what's right for you, in every way, use your great wedding ceremony, wedding vows and wedding reception to start to build community, and have a wonderful marriage!

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